Hometown (2021)
“Hometown” is set in a small rural town in 1999 and centers around a police detective named Choi Hyung In, who is investigating a strange murder, and Jo Jung Hyun, who is searching for her missing niece. The two of them become involved in an incident with a terrorist named Jo Kyung Ho. Choi Hyung In, a police detective in the violent crimes division who lost his wife due to a terrorist incident. Consumed with guilt for failing to prevent his wife’s death, he lived like a ghost for a decade. When he’s put in charge of a strange murder case, he starts to suspect that the case, the terrorist incident, and his family are all connected. Jo Jung Hyun, who is a social outcast because she is the family member of a known terrorist. Her older brother ruined her life with his crimes, but she rebuilt her life by taking care of his daughter, Jo Jae Young. But when her niece goes missing, she comes face to face with tragedy once again. Jo Kyung Ho, who has been imprisoned for life after perpetrating an indiscriminate terrorist attack. In 1989, after studying abroad in Japan, he returned to his hometown and committed a terrorist attack by releasing lethal sarin gas into the train station. He then turned himself in and was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Episode List
Hometown (2021) Episode 12
2022-11-04 04:22:04
Hometown (2021) Episode 11
2022-11-04 04:22:03
Hometown (2021) Episode 10
2022-11-04 04:22:04
Hometown (2021) Episode 9
2022-11-04 04:22:03
Hometown (2021) Episode 8
2022-11-04 04:22:04
Hometown (2021) Episode 7
2022-11-04 04:22:03
Hometown (2021) Episode 6
2022-11-04 04:22:04
Hometown (2021) Episode 5
2022-11-04 04:22:04
Hometown (2021) Episode 4
2022-11-04 04:22:04
Hometown (2021) Episode 3
2022-11-04 04:22:03
Hometown (2021) Episode 2
2022-11-04 04:22:04
Hometown (2021) Episode 1
2022-11-04 04:22:04
Universe League (2024) Episode 1
2024-11-24 10:35:05
Love in the Crossfire (2024) Episode 8
2024-11-24 10:30:05
King of Mask Singer (2015) Episode 474
2024-11-24 10:25:17
Perfect 10 Liners (2024) Episode 5
2024-11-24 10:25:10
See Her Again (2024) Episode 10
2024-11-24 10:20:12
Day and Night Season 2 (2024) Episode 12
2024-11-24 09:40:14
Pearl Hotel (2024) Episode 21
2024-11-24 09:40:13
Deep Lurk (2024) Episode 26
2024-11-24 09:40:13
Smile Code (2024) Episode 34
2024-11-24 09:40:04
Later, I Laughed (2024) Episode 7
2024-11-24 09:35:09
Blue Canvas of Youthful Days (2024) Episode 10
2024-11-24 08:02:08
Pluto (2024) Thailand (2024) Episode 6
2024-11-24 07:45:10
Running Man (2010) Episode 730
2024-11-24 07:40:19
Love Your Enemy (2024) Episode 2
2024-11-24 07:40:12
Marry You (2024) Episode 4
2024-11-24 07:40:11
The Nipple Talk (2024) Episode 10
2024-11-24 07:35:09
Iron Family (2024) Episode 18
2024-11-24 07:35:09
Petrichor (2024) Episode 1
2024-11-24 07:20:21
Starlight Boys (2024) Episode 5
2024-11-24 07:20:15
Don’t Forget Me Episode 24
2024-11-24 05:50:17
Shameless Lover (2024) Episode 26
2024-11-24 05:45:12
Dream in the Mirror (2024) Episode 18
2024-11-24 05:45:11
We Can't Be Together (2024) Episode 12
2024-11-24 05:45:10
Feng Hua Jian (2024) Episode 12
2024-11-24 05:40:11
Game of Love (2024) Episode 12
2024-11-23 03:40:12
Love in the Air: Koi no Yokan (2024) Episode 4
2024-11-23 03:40:11
The Fiery Priest Season 2 (2024) Episode 6
2024-11-23 07:40:11
When the Phone Rings (2024) Episode 2
2024-11-23 07:25:11
Lion no Kakurega (2024) Episode 7
2024-11-23 07:20:12
Three Meals a Day: Light (2024) Episode 10
2024-11-23 06:55:20
Europe Outside Your Tent: Romantic Italy (2024) Episode 6
2024-11-22 11:05:17
Stage Fighter (2024) Episode 8
2024-11-22 11:05:16
The Legend of Nang Nak (2024) Episode 30
2024-11-22 11:05:11
Found & Lost (2024) Episode 8
2024-11-22 11:01:39
Caged Again (2024) Episode 3
2024-11-22 03:15:10
Good Doctor (2024) Episode 14
2024-11-22 03:15:10
Ye Cheng Fu Zhi Li Sheng (2024) Episode 15
2024-11-22 02:45:10
Kidnap (2024) Episode 12
2024-11-22 02:45:09
Scandal (2024) Episode 97
2024-11-22 06:02:09
My Merry Marriage (2024) Episode 35
2024-11-22 06:02:05
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